Opening Hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00
Barakken gl. billede
Life in the barracks
Life in the barracks

Life in the barracks

Get excited! We are currently in the process of planning a remodelling of the barracks to accommodate new exhibitions about the German refugees in Denmark and not least in Oksbøl Refugee Camp. While we wait for the approvals to start the remodelling, you can read more about the project here.

The newly renovated barracks will contain three different parts. At one end (1) there will be a learning room where there will be plenty of space to unfold the story of the German refugees to educational institutions and other interested parties. The other end is reserved for the exhibition, which will be divided into two sections. One about the German refugees in Denmark (2) and one about life in the Oksbøl refugee camp from 1945-49.

1: Learning Centre FLUGT

In one end, an education room, the Learning Centre FLUGT, will be set up and used for teaching, education and workshops

NaturKulturVarde is Vardemuseerne’s education department, where cultural educators welcome schoolchildren, students, companies and organisations and offer various courses. NKV offers a number of permanent courses, and the educators also customise workshops and outreach activities as required. They also convey the history of the refugee camp on guided walks in the plantation.

Educational offerings:

1 hour: Refugees at all times
2 hours: People behind barbed wire
3 hours: Democracy behind barbed wire
4.5 hours: On the Flight (incl. lunch with camp food)

See more here: NaturKulturVarde


2: German refugees in Denmark

Figures, maps and graphs characterise this room, where four animations zoom in on facts about the Flight, Arrival in Denmark, Refugee Camp Oksbøl and Return to Germany.

There will also be information about education and democracy in the refugee camp and, not least, an immersion area where you can use screens to select topics and learn more about the refugee camp.

3: Life in the camp

In this part of the exhibition, you can experience first-hand what life was like for the 35,000 refugees who lived in the barracks in Refugee Camp Oksbøl. Part of the barracks will be furnished as it was back then, with bedrooms and toilets.

Here you can explore and listen to personal stories about the challenges of living in close quarters, about problems with bedbugs and cold, about longing and homesickness, but also about the hopes and dreams that all the refugees carried around while living in the refugee camp in Oksbøl.

Model of the upcoming exhibition. Figures, maps and graphs characterise this room
Model of the immersion area
Overview of the interior of the barracks